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The Table of Grace

by Deborah Ann Belka

At the table of grace sits a sinner,
a drunkard, a murderer and a thief
at the table of grace sits an adulterer
a liar and a denier of his own belief.

At the table of grace sits a sinner,
an abuser, a liar, an idolater
at the table of grace sits you and I
my brother, my sister, my neighbor.

At the table of grace sits Jesus,
who was beaten for our shame
at the table of grace sits the Christ
who took upon Himself our blame.

At the table of grace sits a sinner,
who partakes in the agony of His strife
at the table of grace sits our Savior
whose blood bought for all ~ eternal life!

Matthew 26:27-28
King James Version

"And he took the cup, and gave thanks,
and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye
all of it; For this is my blood of the
new testament,which is shed for many for
the remission of sins."

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