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Make A Joyful Noise

by Deborah Ann Belka

Make a joyful noise ~
all of God's chosen people
let your praise be heard
from the highest steeple.

Open up your mouths,
and sing victories song
let all His faithful ones
gather and sing along.

Great are His mercies,
awesome is His grace
come one and all
join the faithful race.

He's our mighty fortress,
our everlasting stronghold
He makes the frail and weak
into His soldiers, bold.

Come join His army,
for there's a battle to flight
do not fear the enemy
for you are led by His light.

Make a joyful noise ~
for the battle is ours to win
let your praise be heard
for we have victory over sin!

Psalm 95:1
King James Version

"O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let
us make a joyful noise to the rock of
our salvation."

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