One day I asked the Lord,
what is it I should do . . .
how can I possibly give
all my cares to You?
He said to me my child,
it’s easy if you will . . .
believe I am the One
who can your troubles still.
I thought this over,
for a minute or two
but, I still needed Him
to tell me just how to.
So I asked Him again,
Lord, how can I release
the burdens I carry
so I can have Your peace?
He said to me my child,
true rest you will find
if you let Me guard
your heart and your mind.
I knew the Lord was right,
so I began to pray
and when I was done
here’s what He had to say . . .
Be not anxious my child,
but in every thing by prayer
give me your thanksgiving
and I’ll take from you your care!
Philippians 4:6-7
” Be careful for nothing;
but in every thing
by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving
let your requests
be made known unto God.
And the peace of God,
which passeth
all understanding,
shall keep your
hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.”