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Checkerboard of Life

by Pearl Leona Sturgis

The rat crept from his corner
on the checkerboard of life,
adorned with wings of angels
and he claimed to conquer strife.

He jumped the little checkermen
who dared to take a stand...
and crowned the others kingmen
who moved at his command.

he nibbled at the big cheese
till they rushed to do his will,
then slivered to his corner
while his purpose they fulfilled.

Throughout the little checkertowns
nobody understood. ...
The darkness looked like daylight
and the bad seemed like the good.

But high above the checkerboard
The Maker of them all ...
who watches with His two edge sword
wills not that one should fall.

With every move the rat has made
He's been one move ahead.
His eyelids search. He tries the heart
through each square, black and red.

He sees the big and little cheese
and names them all by name.
It's not who wins or loses moves.
It's who designed the game!

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