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With Our Mouths

by Deborah Ann Belka

If with our mouths, we confess,
our faith in God above
then why don't we show others
unconditional love?

If with our mouths, we declare,
Jesus is our salvation
then why with this world
do we still have a flirtation?

If with our months, we admit,
we have been set free from sin
then why does Satan's armies
still end up with the win?

If with our mouths, we profess,
Jesus is the Lord of our life
then why do we still live
with turmoil and inner strife?

If with our mouths, we assert,
we walk with the Lord
then why in our hearts
isn't His Word stored?

If with our own lips, we worship,
giving honor to our King
then why are we so detached
from the lyrics that we sing?

"Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy
of you, saying, This people draweth
nigh unto me with their mouth, and
honoureth me with their lips; but their
heart is far from me."

Matthew 15.7-8
King James Version

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