It all started with an angel showing up at Mary's door
And that must have scared her to the very core.
The angel told her, be not afraid, you are chosen,
Through you, the Christ child shall be woven.
Shepherds and wise men saw the star pointing the way.
They traveled many miles along the dusty highway.
Tucked into a manger away from the noise
God foretold them of the many joys.
His ministry started began at thirty years of age
He had an ability to read minds and the leaders were upstaged.
He didn't sound unkind just frustrated at their ways
He had no problem setting their minds ablaze.
Jesus healed the sick, and lame and raised the dead,
he told us to remember him with wine and bread.
He loved us enough to die a horrible death on a cross.
If we believe in him, his death won't be a loss.
We owe our eternal lives to this Son of Man from Galilee
Don't ever forget the sins he bore for you on Calvary's tree.
At the end of time when we face our Lord on high
Thanks to Jesus, to our sins we can say goodbye.