Dusty roads
broken dreams
pain explodes
fear screams;
Hanging on a wooden tree
No chance for me to be free.
deserved by me
to die near Thee;
Struggling to rise, to breathe air
Privileged with Christ to share.
Final hours
precious blood
death devours
mercy floods;
Paradise is what I'm promised,
Even though I was dishonest.
Dusty roads
now swept away
grace erodes
my pain today;
Dying to self, to live for Thee
Shame is buried, now I am free.
Live forgiven
dreams awoken
blessing given
hope now spoken!
Note: Written from the perspective of the thief on the cross
Luke 23:43 Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise
This poem was a finalist in the
March 2023 poetry contest