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What's Under Your Robe?

by Deborah Ann Belka

Sin isn't just the kind,
observed with the eyes
there can be so much more
no matter the disguise.

People may point out,
the obvious sin in our life
but it's the sin that's unseen
that will cause eternal strife.

Sin that can't be seen,
that we keep deep within
doesn't go unnoticed
though we think it's hidden.

For God sees our hearts,
the sins we're harboring
He knows every deep secret
that we are nurturing.

We need to check our robes,
look under what it covers
there may be sin in us . . .
He wants us to discover!

Numbers 32:23
King James Version

"But if ye will not do so, behold, ye
have sinned against the Lord: and be
sure your sin will find you out."

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