"There is no God," so many men have said,
Yet they can't get his name out of their head.
They can't go on with life and be at peace.
From thinking of this God they cannot cease.
They say "There is no God," yet don't explain
What it is they mean with this refrain.
A shared view of God with all men they assume,
An assumption which spells out the skeptic's doom.
For if mankind can understand the thought,
The truth of God in consciousness inwrought,
If an effect must have sufficient cause,
This truth should give the atheist a pause.
They craft their arguments, but all in vain.
The power of the state is little gain.
The multitudes still bow and lift their prayer,
Little taken by the atheistic snare.
Sometimes the thought is more than they can stand,
That others will not live as they demand.
They can't leave it on the table or the shelves,
One thinks they really can't convince themselves.
For in their heart the truth of God will out.
Their conscience leaves their mind with little doubt.
While clever atheism they confess,
This truth of God they never can suppress.