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Bleeding Hearts

by Deborah Ann Belka

We search for love,
in all the wrong places
we seek acceptance
in strangers faces.

We go to chat rooms,
join a dating service
hoping our soul mate
comes to the surface.

We go to nightclubs,
we party, we dance
scanning the crowd
for a little romance.

We wish and we hope,
we beg and we pray
our truest of loves
will come our way.

We are often foolish,
unwise and soft-hearted
and our bleeding-hearts
are often discarded.

So, if you are looking,
for someone to eternally love
just open up your heart
and look up above.

Jesus loves you,
like no one else ever will . . .
the emptiness in your heart
His grace will quench and fill!

John 15:13
King James Version

"Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his

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