without the rain…
The dry wind sweeps away my hope
dust settles choking life; fear is gripped,
lambs bleating as their call goes unheard
drought's curse relentless; as joy is stripped.
The graveyard extends, saturating hearts
dreams lost within the nightmare lived,
hostage to the demands that pain inflicts
simple pleasures of life deprived.
The harsh landscape constantly reminds
color removed, highlights the hard plight,
carcasses litter the barren earth
fatigue threatens to destroy my fight.
within His reign…
The fresh breath of God brings hope
settling doubts with the beauty of His grace,
Jesus bleeding, so now our call is heard
Love's blessing assuring; His joy embraced.
The graveyard is not my final home
dreams found within His righteous love,
released from the burden that pain inflicts
comforted by the Lord above.
The rugged cross reminds me of His regard
all the colors of true life explored,
He walked in the dust of barren earth
to heal; all of my heart restored.
Note: In a drought the ewes (lamb's mother) will often abandon the lamb straight after birth knowing that they cannot sustain or provide for its needs. This leaves the lamb bleating with no one to hear their call.