A life of pleasure I had lived
of indulgences and lust
Seldom giving second thought
In where I placed my trust.
I followed after my own ways
as my account ran dry
My riches all had vanished
and I thought I would die.
As I reflected on my life
I knew that I had missed
The mark that had been set for me
"You're lost" the serpent hissed.
I stood before the highest court
with a debt to great for me
"He's Guilty" was the verdict
and death the penalty
In desperation I looked back
at all that I had done,
and tried to reason with the judge
that it was all in fun.
I told about the good I'd wrought
and how I had obeyed,
but then he pointed out to me
how often I had strayed.
I saw there was no hope for me
to find my way to peace,
unless I found his mercy
I would not see release.
So on my knees before the judge
I recognized my plight,
and asked if there were any way
that I could make things right.
The answer came back swift and clear
that there was no way out,
My penalty would have to stand
or justice had no clout.
I fell upon my face in fear
and wept in deep despair,
Just then a voice rang out in court
"His charges I shall bear"
My face turned swiftly to behold
the one who looked at me
and felt his gaze look deep inside
and all its darkness see.
He spoke to me and called my name
and gave me newfound light,
when he said that he died for me
and he had won the fight.
If only I would place my trust
and give my life to him,
He would give eternal life
and freedom from my sin.
I hardly could believe my ears,
but knew it to be true,
His spirit spoke within my soul
and said you'll be like new.
To this great promise I did heed
and listened to his call,
and felt his loving arms proceed
to lift me up real tall.
He wiped the dust and dirt away
and dressed me all in white.
I felt my burden roll away
as I gave up the fight.
With thankful heart and hope within
I gave to him my praise
and cast off Satan's dreadful weight
Christ's banner I did raise.
The judge looked down in loving gaze
and changed his tone of voice,
and said the words "Not Guilty"
Since Jesus was your choice!
Psalm 139:14
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
This poem was a finalist in the
June 2023 poetry contest