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Poems by Lorin Elias

poem count: 4 | pages: 1 | second place: 1 time | finalist: 4 times
The unmatched gift. finalist in poetry contest
Many charities today raise money through donors who have agreed to match whatever gifts have been given as an incentive for others to give. God sending his son Jesus to save us from our sin is a gift that could not nor will not be matched by anyone else!

Release! finalist in poetry contest
I wrote this poem to help remind me of how thankful I should be for God's great gift that he has given me, and how I had no hope without him!

If it wasn’t for the Lord above. finalist in poetry contest
A poem I wrote about why I am thankful! It is a good thing to look back at all the trouble from which the Lord has spared you.

Winter's Chill second in poetry contest
I wrote this poem because of how evident it is that prophecy is being fulfilled and the Lord's return is coming nearer day by day. It was written to encourage us to use the time that we have been given wisely and to reach the lost for Jesus Christ.