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All Because ~

by Deborah Ann Belka

In this life, there will be troubles,
trials and tribulations too
in this world, we will be hated
all because ~ Lord, we love You.

In this life, there will be heartache,
seasons of tears, reasons to grieve
in this world, we will be detested
all because ~ in You we believe.

In this life, there will be hardships,
difficulties, struggles and defeat
in this world, we will be disliked
all because ~ You make us complete.

In this life, we will have problems,
battles, fights with the impossible
in this world, we will not be liked
all because ~ in You all is possible.

In this life, things won't be easy,
but as Christians we'll make it through
in this world, we'll not have favor
all because ~ Lord, we trust in You !

Acts 14:22
King James Version

“Confirming the souls of the disciples,
and exhorting them to continue in the
faith, and that we must through much
tribulation to enter into the kingdom
of God.”

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