There was a star,
that brightly led the way;
That star has much,
to teach us to this day;
That God is light,
and in Christ has drawn near,
To sinful man
And takes away our fear.
The wise men walked,
And by the light they came,
Unto the Christ,
And we can do the same;
Led by His grace,
And by the light divine,
We then can come,
By heavenly design.
The light withdrawn,
The wise men went astray,
To the palace,
They sadly made their way.
So human minds,
And human wisdom fails;
For humble hearts,
The truth at last prevails.
Oh blessed star,
Do Shine for us so
Not in the sky,
But in our hearts tonight.
Our humble gifts
We gladly will lay down;
And Christ as King
Our faith shall rightly crown.