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Hidden In My Heart

by Deborah Ann Belka

Hidden in my heart,
deep within the crevices
I've tucked the Word of God
spelling out all His preferences.

He's given me special verses,
at specific times of need
so His way would be clear
if on them, I'd trust and heed.

The Word is the ammunition,
that I use when Satan calls
I throw at him a Scripture
that's sure to make him fall.

I keep the Word handy,
it is always on my mind
I can quote His Holy Word
till true peace is what I find.

One day they may take my Bible,
but they cannot take my heart
for I store the Word safely there
and nothing ~ will keep us apart!

Psalm 119:11
King James Version

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart,
that I might not sin against thee."

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