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Don't Be Ashamed of Faith

by Kevin Smead © 2024

Some say they won't believe unless they see;
But what then shall they do with history?
They never saw events now far away,
But they believe regardless what they say.

They say they won't believe without the proof;
This makes them seem elitists and aloof.
They believe their senses though they never know,
What operation perceptions undergo.

They say they won't believe, they're not the kind,
But all the while believe what's in their mind.
They cannot see their thoughts, nor can they touch,
Still they believe them all so very much,

They must have all the proof in such detail,
But believe the stories science has to tell.
They have never seen it worked out with their eyes,
They have embraced religion in disguise.

They say they won't believe unless they see,
What then to do with much geography?
They believe in worlds when they are merely shown,
A picture from perhaps a source unknown.

Without faith, that is, just by their sight,
With this alone they are in darkest night.
For they lose not only heaven, and God above,
But they can't believe in human trust or love.

The truth: to some degree, we all believe;
And trust the testimony we receive.
The character of the person lends it weight,
On integrity faith can accumulate.

Jesus spoke of God, of heaven, of hope,
His characters outweighs Darwin, or the Pope.
He told of life, of love, of streets of gold;
If it wasn't so, he surely would have told.

Don't be ashamed of faith, it's part of all,
Some things believed are great, and some are small.
Some have little proof, and small reward,
But some to disbelieve we can't afford.

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