a country gal with a gentle soul
family precious and held as dear,
she is hard working and soft hearted
always walking with her Saviour near.
raised up in a home of favour
milking cows and joining laughter's
fingers chopped and shotgun dummies
in a house, packed to the rafters.
teaching with delight and care
showing others how to strive,
the battle's on the sporting field
loved; and sees her passion thrive.
faithful friend, enjoying fun
home life kept with careful grace,
nephews and nieces cherished
blessed by her loving embrace.
tapestry and cross-stich flair
fills walls with an endless beauty,
heart filled with concern and interest
with love so much more than duty.
consistent through many years
with a laugh that greets the day,
determined to live at home
when the clouds begin to grey.
known lovingly as "Aunty"
now held forever in our heart
sadly, life will not be the same
our fondness never to depart.
Note: This poem was written in loving memory of my Aunty Thelma Mudford who passed away last week aged 98 years. She was a faithful follower of our Lord throughout all her life providing a wonderful example to all who knew her. She will be sadly missed.
The line "fingers chopped and shotgun dummies" refers to a dare with her older brother which saw her finger chopped through and the time she along with her siblings dressed up a dressmaking dummy and placed a shotgun pointing out from an unlit bedroom doorway (before electricity) which resulted in her mother fainting when she returned home from being out. These stories have been told countless times as they have become legendary in our family and they are told with great humor and affection.