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Failure and Providence

by John Zylstra

All the longings, all the schemes,
all the hopes and all the dreams,
all the plannings for tomorrow
which consume each waking hour,
fade again each breaking morning
as I face my lack of power.

Power to act on my convictions,
power to make my dreams come true.
This is lacking, 'tis all theory,
I have not the power to do.

Wherefore has He given insight
into laws I cannot keep?
Why the innermost conviction
that His way alone is sweet?
Will He yet reveal His purpose
for my trials and my defeats?
What can be that 'something better'
that He has in store for me?

Oh for strength to still press forward,
Oh for peace when days are dark,
Oh for faith to keep believing,
faith and sight are far apart.

Yet, ev'n now He gives assurance,
in the midst of doubt and fear,
though my way is strewn with failure,
he will ever hold me near.

Someday I will see His purpose,
I will know that glorious day,
how He struggled to redeem me,
how He pioneered the way.
I will see His plan unfolding,
for my faith will then be sight
and I'll know that in His providence
Jesus still does all things right.

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