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How Grateful

by Clinton Herring © 2023

I did not know when I was young
That sin had a hold of my soul.
A stain, it was, now deep within
And drew from me a heavy toll.

Its grip on me brought death for sure
And life would someday end for me.
It stuck like glue, a garment stain.
There was no place that I could flee

But then Your love came bounding forth
And did what no one else could do.
You broke the power of death that day.
Your life, You gave for mine in lieu

You, who stands in eternity,
The Holy One of Israel.
My Lord, whose blood removed my sin,
Whose love for me, my sins, did quell.

How grateful now am I for Love,
Yes You, who saw my deadly plight,
And poured on me Your joy and hope,
And brought me in from dark to light.

1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.

This poem was a finalist in the August 2023 poetry contest

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