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Through Suffering, They Stand

by Bose V © 2024

In ancient times, the Israelite wept,
Bound in Egypt's chains, in sorrow, they slept.
But through the wilderness, they found their way,
God's promise led them to Canaan's day.

In the Bible's pages, their trials unfold,
With faith as their guide, they grew bold.
From slavery's grip, they were set free,
A testament to God's great decree.

But history repeated in shadows so dark,
Under Rome's iron fist, they bore the mark.
Through centuries of pain, they held tight,
Their faith in God, their guiding light.

Then came the terror, in Hitler's reign,
Where horror and death became their chain.
Yet through the ashes, a nation was born,
A people restored, though battered and worn.

God's hand has never let them go,
Through every trial, His love does show.
As they rebuild, we lift our voice,
In prayer for peace, we make our choice.

For in this war-torn land today,
We ask for peace, for light, for way.
May the God who led them through every strife,
Bring them to peace, and protect their life.

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