So difficult to explain this passion
and exactly how I know, but I do
Call it a hope, a desire, but something more,
so magnificent, and true
I have seen the change take place in many others
and witnessed the healing
The saving, curing, freeing, new birth,
and the power inside of me I am feeling
Amazingly, such a small amount can move mountains,
imagine if it grew
He can provide all you need in life
when you sincerely believe He died for you
The Father's glorious gift of grace,
through a promise of belief and receiving Jesus
His mercy, endless love, all sins forgotten
and knowing he will never leave us
The gate is wide for those who focus on earthly wants,
it is a temporary view
The way is difficult that leads to life,
and those who find the narrow gate are few
Dear Lord, I pray you have your way,
and may the Spirit guide me when I am lost
Find in me an undying faith,
an unwavering belief He died for us upon the cross