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Poems by T Rock

poem count: 50 | pages: 6 | finalist: 2 times
Bless the Gift and the Giver
Describes reaping what you sow, more than you sow, and later than you sow.

Describes those who don't believe in God will be considered as chaff, and will be separated from those who believe in God..

In Vain
The poem speaks of how common it is in society today to take the Lord's name in vain.

Build a Bridge
This a poem about spreading the gospel and fulfilling the great commission.

Children of the Light
It describes those who have been saved and then go on to reflect God and His word to others.

Share the Story
It describes how we can never repay the sacrifice Jesus made when he died on the cross except to share the story and bring others to God.

Blossoming Brightness finalist in poetry contest
A poem about finding forgiveness

The Gift
A poem that reflects the gift God gave us in Jesus.

Poem of Praise
This poem was written to give praise to God, to thank Him for grace, protection, His word as well as many other blessings.