Across the field where evergreens yield,
and through the trees, with strong wind's breeze,
a joyous hike it was.
I saw things only nature brings,
with calling sound where mice abound,
All nature is abuzz.
For life is there where scampers the hare,
and leaves do rustle where squirrels tussle,
I walk the path with glee.
With ducks on pond, God's 'magic wand',
gave life to them, His world a gem.
His Word has made them - see!
To stroll with God, upon this sod,
a heart of joy, as songs employ,
the praises of His name!
The Lord my King, His presence I cling,
He fills this heart, my empty cart,
I ponder His great fame!
His fellowship sweet, oh please repeat,
this day of zeal, my faith like steel,
a stroll with Him alone.
I venture a journey, His Word like honey,
dive deep in thought, His teaching I sought,
His Word, my anchor stone!
Who am I? Should not I die?
His life a covering, takes all my suffering
I'm marked with Him, a seal.
So heaven I'm bound, with God I'm found,
those streets of gold, with glories they hold.
This truth is more than real!
"My child, you're mine; in Christ you're fine."
"Please stroll with me; I've set you free!"
"My love on you through time."
"Call on My name, I've healed the lame."
"Enjoy My essence, walk in My presence."
"Our lives are now in rhyme."
Genesis 5:22b Enoch walked faithfully with God for 300 years...
This poem was a finalist in the
January 2023 poetry contest