Strong; is how he appears
inside he is afraid,
battling with his worth
his truth is now betrayed.
Doubt; fills his mind alone
questions crowding thinking,
answers left unspoken
all his hope is sinking.
Bound; trapped hiding feelings
drowned with his emotions,
living with heaviness
going through the motions.
Lost; even when at home
unsure of direction,
no place to be secure
daunted by rejection….
Weak; what he needs to be
accepting broken needs,
not fighting on his own
God's truth now intercedes.
Trust; secure in God's peace
renewed and now alive,
his answers found in grace
finally hope can thrive.
Free; hidden in Christ's love
releasing the true me,
living in surrender
knowing intimacy.
Home; living in embrace
safe knowing God's desires,
secure in His refuge
no matter what transpires.
This poem was a finalist in the
January 2024 poetry contest