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When Darkness Comes

by T Rock © 2022

At first, it goes unnoticed without even a second thought,
whispering and standing in the corner.
It is preparing snares for you and loved ones to be caught,
without a light when darkness comes.

The air slowly changes, suppressing and stale,
its weight becomes heavy on your chest.
Unexplained anxiety brings fear; trying to exhale,
glimpsing a moment of when darkness comes.

Not accepting what was seen, ignoring all the signs;
believing all will be better tomorrow.
But in them, goodness and love are not allowed to align,
opening a door to a path for when darkness comes.

All at once, it is upon you; unable to defend it alone,
you recall the sword of the Spirit.
A reminder of your faith, the armor you now own;
his righteous protection when darkness comes.

You hesitate, reluctant to strike against one of yours;
through tears, you cast them out.
Still praying they would ignore all the devil's lures,
and run into the light when darkness comes.

Hope for healing still exists with one final request;
praying to the Lord to place them in his strong hands.
A desperate plea that their trial is only a life test;
to show them they need God when darkness comes.

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