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Making Room for Jesus

by Deborah Ann Belka

Making room for Jesus,
this time of the year . . .
seems almost impossible
amid all the holiday cheer.

There's the office parties,
the children's seasonal plays
shopping at the crowded malls
shipping and delivery delays.

Cooking, baking, sampling,
buying and trimming trees
decorating halls and hearths
let alone the outside eaves.

Taking family pictures,
printing, stamping, mailing
wrapping up all the gifts
before the big unveiling.

Cleaning, dusting, mopping,
making everything tidy
oops, don't forget the silver
also needs to be shiny.

Then comes the big day,
out the door we go in a rush
running from house to house
for time, we're in a crush.

Where does one find the time,
the room to fit Jesus in . . .
with all that is going on
where does one even begin?

Luke 1:46-47
King James Version

"And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the
Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in
God my Saviour."

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