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From Death To Life

by Clinton Herring © 2024

The mind knows not the God of love
Until the heart sees truth above.
For only in His Word is found
The truth that makes our world abound.

Endowed by God, His image, sure,
But Adam's sin now did immure.
For Satan laughed and saw our pain.
Hatred for God on us did rain!

We're lost and heed a fallen world.
Our hearts are warped and very knurled,
Until God's truth is birthed within,
And truth breaks lies, exposing sin.

For then, we fall with cries of shame,
And realize that we're to blame.
Each one of us, the guilt inside,
All works of ours fall short, we tried.

But seeing us in our despair,
No hope apart from Him could care.
His love, with height and depth beyond,
As grace and light on us had dawned.

New joy, new life, new truth are mine.
In Heaven's castles, I shall dine!
Brought home by grace and by the One,
The Son, who took my place, He WON!

I long to live for Him on earth,
And show the heart of His new birth!
His blood has spilled on me for sure,
And bought for me a heaven's cure!

His spirit inside, Oh, so sweet!
To journey inside - His retreat,
And find within His caring arms,
My faith, His peace, His loving charms!

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