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God Happens

by Deborah Ann Belka

God happens,
in the hardest of hearts
He brings new beginning
fresh spring-like starts.

God happens,
in the broken down soul
He brings reconciliation
makes everyone whole.

God happens,
in the darkest of spirits
He brings transformation
every sin He acquits.

God happens,
in the worst of us
He restores generations
when in Him ~ they trust.

Isaiah 58:12
King James Version

“And they that shall be of thee shall
build the old waste places: thou shalt
raise up the foundations of many
generations; and thou shalt be called,
The repairer of the breach,
The restorer of paths to dwell in.

”Isaiah 7:14
King James Version

"Therefore the Lord himself shall give
you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall
conceive, and bear a son, and shall
call his name Immanuel."

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