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Bless the Gift and the Giver

by T Rock © 2024

I know that the Lord will always provide
for everything, all that I would need
Maybe not always what I would want,
but certainly, what is best for me

I would have very little,
if not for the countless rewards He bestowed
A loving family, a safe home;
providing much more than the seeds I sowed

Yes, sometimes it is difficult to reap later,
that which was so hard to plant and grow
But never doubt His promise;
you will receive much more than you ever let go

Helping God's church and family
blossoms into endless gardens when you give
Spreading the Word, meeting needs, forgiveness,
and lighting a path for all to live

God provides for His children,
and it's more than we could ever hope to repay
Life's blessings, answered prayers, salvation,
and heaven, where we will go one day

Bless the gift and the giver who relinquishes
the first and best of all they receive
Just as God did with the gift of grace,
So, our eternity would be achieved

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