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My Cup Runs Over

by Jeff Bidiman

Once I had a cup that I had overfilled with me
And everywhere I spilled myself it was a travesty.
I splashed onto the rocky ground and quickly slipped away,
Or dripped onto the dusty earth and vanished in that clay,

While clinging on to what remained inside that cup of me,
I gave myself to cultures newest false reality.
Still, I kept on losing tiny portions of myself,
And so I locked my little cup atop a lonely shelf.

Each day that passed I gazed up at that cup in misery,
And wondered if there was a way which I could rescue me.
I tried all kinds of remedies, yet always seemed to fail,
But deep inside I knew there was a way that would prevail.

Then one day I offered God my disenchanted brew,
And as He took a sip of me, I noticed something new.
While He drank the self I stored within my dwindling cup,
The more of me I gave to Him the more He filled me up.

This poem won second place for the August 2023 poetry contest

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