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Dedication Hymn

by John Zylstra

I yield myself to Thee,
for Thou hast set me free.
Lord, I ask Thee, take control,
be the guardian of my soul.
For of gifts beyond compare
I received a greater share
then my works or love for Thee
could ever merit.

Take my life, take my all.
Though I am weak and I may fall,
Thou art faithful to the end.
Be Thou my Master, and my Friend.

I freely have received,
although I oft' have grieved.
For my Lord, Thy gifts are free,
Thou hast drawn mankind to Thee.
For my sin Thou hast atoned,
Satan from my life dethroned
Through the death of Thy own Son,
my precious Saviour.


And now Thou art my guide,
Thou wilt not leave my side.
Now I go to do Thy will,
Thy commandments to fulfil.
Thank Thee Lord, that Thou didst choose
even me, and Thou wilt use
earthen vessels to proclaim
Thy heavenly glory.


Now through the world proclaim
the glories of His name.
For so few have heard expressed
that dear name that we confess.
He His promise will fulfil
and return one day He will,
may He find amongst these millions
His redeemed ones,


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