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Blossoming Brightness

by T Rock © 2023

Anguish my name for so many days past
Grasping at life's prizes that never last
Forgotten promises left carelessly behind
Searching for something I can't seem to find

Wearing scars, most self-inflicted
As well-meaning counselors often predicted
Afraid to walk away from the needful numb
The bottom quickly rises as I succumb

Buried, a spark shines in a ravaged mind
Reaching out, as it's the only light left to find
Blossoming brightness uncovers the impure
Healing its name, forgiveness its cure

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

This poem was a finalist in the February 2024 poetry contest

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