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Poems by Pearl Leona Sturgis

poem count: 217 | pages: 25 | first place: 2 times | second place: 3 times | finalist: 24 times
Much Higher are His Ways
I was inspired to write this poem years ago when things kept happening I didn't understand

By the Look in my Eyes
Fourth Christmas coming up without my husband and my lifetime best friend. I just wrote this today, November 29, 2011

Love is Forever
I first called this poem "Sisters are Forever" and sent it to my sister to make amends for an unimportant disagreement. Then on Valentines Day I changed title to "Love is Forever".

Good Morning Smile
I wrote this when Barbie, my 4th child was a baby. She is now a grandmother of 2. When she was just a few months old she would scream and when she saw me she would stop screaming and start smiling.

Satan's Full of Hatin'
I wrote this a short while after I got saved in 1960 as a baby christian.

I wrote Farewell when my sister moved to WVA on the mountain in 70s. Mary Libby died in February 2009. I found this old poem today to read in memoir class. I couldn't hold back the tears.

That's When I'll Stop Loving You
I don't remember what the argument was with my husband years ago but I remember him saying "You don't love me anymore"

How Do You Spell Liberty?
I was having a disagreement with a devout christian in leadership about separation of church and state. Returning home I wrote this poem.

I'm Willing
I wrote this in the early 70's when I read in the Bible where Paul wrote... I do that which I don't want to do... It really applies to me.