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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
The Answer Is Jesus
There are many questions in life that pose a great conundrum for each of us. This poem is both fun and enlightening.

Dialogues first in poetry contest
This is a quick overview of some of the dialogues between Jesus and other characters in the Easter story.

Sadder Day Saturday
Friday, Saturday, and the Next Day

That's Not Good Enough
Words hurt! The tongue speaks life or death. Opinions from others, words etc. can lift up one's soul or send a soul into destruction!

There’s only one name…
Anaphora poem, inspired by the Scripture of Acts 4:12.

A psalm for Easter
Inspired by Psalm 100

Joined To Him
How the love of the Lord joins us to Him with a cord that can't be broken.

The Shadow Of The Cross
I find myself focused on the place where I am standing under the watchful eye of God. I remember how my sin caused the Messiah to have to take my place to pay the penalty of my sin.

The day of Pentecost
Inspired by Acts 2. The feast of Pentecost traditionally closes off the Easter season in the church.

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