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Poems by Pernell Rodocker

poem count: 14 | pages: 2 | finalist: 1 time
Yes You Are
How much does God love us? Read on my friends.

Serving God
So many ways of deception can lead us away from truth. God is merciful as He guides us on His path for us

The Answer Is Jesus
There are many questions in life that pose a great conundrum for each of us. This poem is both fun and enlightening.

That's Not Good Enough
Words hurt! The tongue speaks life or death. Opinions from others, words etc. can lift up one's soul or send a soul into destruction!

My Peace Is Jesus
With in the reality of pain and suffering, can anyone actually relate to an individuals own deep down emotional struggle?Understanding and learning about Jesus will shed light on the darkest heart.

Wanting To Be Free
Gratefulness in patience while waiting for deliverance can be stressful and wearying.Hoping in the truth of the Word I find peace.

You Know Me Like No Other
No matter what we think of ourself, or where our life will lead us God knows us intimately. He is our comfort. He is our hope.

Broken finalist in poetry contest
Only through Christ's worthiness can we walk in humbleness and peace. Sometimes our sadness can overwhelm our walk. He loves us no matter how broken we think we are.

Is There One Who Knows My Heart?
Death is a part of life. All of us have lost loved ones. Our hope and faith is in Christ who's word is our comfort.