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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Forever Strong
Staying strong through life's journey!

If Perfect Love ~
If God's love is perfect then why do we worry?

The Son
This poem describes Jesus, the Son of God

What can I
This poem describes the role of Jesus in my life

Like No Other
This poem describes my life with Jesus and who He is in my life

Thin Ice In Egypt
The words of an Egyptian during the 'years of plenty'. Genesis Ch 41.

Hamster's Wheel second in poetry contest
We seem to always be in a hurry these days, chasing after dreams and desires that are so important to us at the time but in the end amount to nothing.

Child of Time finalist in poetry contest
Poem about about the nature of God's heart for us

Marching Orders from the King
This was a reminder from God that we are in a war, and that in war, wounds are given and taken. But Jesus can heal even the deepest, gravest wound... and He is always with us.

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