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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Jesus broke down the man-made barriers
Written after reading Matthew 15: 1-28

Problems Bigger Than Mine? finalist in poetry contest
A flood of deep emotions came as I washed out to sea. And drifted off, was everything that I'll no longer see.

Who Is This Man?
A brief description of the attributes of Jesus Christ.

My Father's Advice finalist in poetry contest
Matthew 24:4 Take heed that no man deceive you.....

A place i' have heard of.
Having only hearsay about such a wonderful place, that we call heaven. I can only portray it in my own words.

My imagination.
We all have our own interpretation of heaven.And this can change daily, today this is mine.

The Music Box first in poetry contest
Beholding it for quite awhile, I cherished its antique-ish style. Can this old box, this afternoon, play once again, its pretty tune?

Someday You'll Kneel
I was witnessing to an atheist when his last word was "christians live in a fairy tale life." He inspired this poem I wrote. morning. 7/27/15

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