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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Straight Out of Hell
. . . that is what the world is going to look like when the Antichrist comes.

Precious Love
God's love is precious and I do so treasure it.

David and Goliath
Prayer works...

Wonderfully Made
Based on the words "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" from Psalm 139 verse 14 (NIV).

Ye of Little Faith
Are you going to sink in fear and doubt or are your going to keep your eyes on the Lord . . . not on the wind!

This is a Day of Celebration
This praise poem is designed to be used on different occasions. There is a tune posted on http://crossandcosmos.blogspot.comIt's easy repetition makes it suitable for using in all-age worship

Talk to Me Lord, Talk to Me . . .
He speaks to us in that still small voice don't let the problems your dealing with drown it out!

My Prayer:
Although we're told it is never good to look back, I think we need to always keep in mind, where Christ brought us from, and the state many of us were in when he saved us. I really don't know where I'd be today, if someone hadn't shared Christ with m

Sometimes we allow people to put so much emphasis on who are parents were, where we came from and what we did or do for a living, that sometimes we forget who we are in Christ Jesus.

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