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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Delicate Strands
God knits each of us by His loving hands and places us where we will fit into His plans!

The Monster!
All of us has a monster hidden-not so deep within us. We as Christians struggle with human nature and sin just as does the rest of the world...But we have one who fights on our behalf.. the Lord Jesus Christ, he helps us keep our monster contained!

A Voice In The Wilderness
This poem talks about belief and trust in God whenever you are going through storms and difficulties in life.

Wearing masks never make problems go away, only hides them. God is there to help us with guidance and direction in all that we go through, no matter how bad or painful, He will never leave us or forsake us in our trials and troubles.

Faithfulness I Pray
The Lord has recently taken me to a place in my life that I'm really struggling with. I don't want to be there, andeverything He points me to, says He wants me to be there! I can choose to be faithful and do as He directs orI can choose faithle

A Brand New Day
I love sunrise! It's a beautiful scene, but it's also the start of brand new day. You can't change the past,but you can change today! Just as the sun turns darkness to light: so does the Son turn darkness tolight. Anything is possible with

God Did Come So Near finalist in poetry contest
God came down to earth as a tiny infant because He loved us so much. Yet, many did not believe in Him.

My Resolution . . . Solution
My New Year's Resolution.

Would You
Tomorrow is Christmas. It is my prayer that you would not be a stranger to Our Lord and Savior.It is my prayer that you would call Him, FRIEND...

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