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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
I'm Forgiven
I'm so thankful for my Salvation

Love Poem
Love is not skin deep, lustful, vain...etc. Love is sacrifice for one another; love must reflect Christ's love. He is the epitome of Love. He sacrificed himself for those who didn't even deserve it. The metaphor can be seen as baking a cake.

Psalm 42--Longing, Remembering, Trusting
A young Jewish worship leader now lives in Jordan and misses the worship festivals. He cries out to the Lord in the theme of Longing, Remembering, and Trusting.

The Mission
Isaiah prayed, here am I, send me. We need to also pray that prayer, but to be willing also to go where we are needed and sent by God.

Deep finalist in poetry contest
Sometimes my prayer life is deeply motivated by the circumstances of the moment. Is my faith shallow or is it deep? I pray to be deep in Christ for I am His to keep...

The Head Stone
I went to the cemetery to care for the head stones of my family. I saw the sorrow of another family who had just buried a loved one. I prayed that they knew Jesus...

I Saw Me second in poetry contest
I saw me in a song. "Break my heart for what is breaking Yours." When you have the courage to ask God for this, He comes to mend that broken heart and sometimes He may break your heart...

The Walk
If you do not believe with all your heart that what you are fighting for is true, you will stumble in your walk. The real truth is that no matter how you walk, He is always by your side.

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