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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
-The Wayward Car- Fancy-free the Model T
A lesson about pride,going our own way,and waiting on the Lord.1 Peter 2:15 He left the main road, and was directionless, stopped in his wayward tracks.

-In Contrast- God and Man
The reality of comparison between God and man...2 Chronicles 9:6 ...and indeed the half of the greatness of your wisdom was not told me

The New Member
Anyone who is new to the family of God needes encouragement from those that have been there for awhile.

You're Beautiful
This is for my friend JoAnne Muransky. A servant of the Lord. She offered to drop everything and fly to Florida to bring us home to Ohio. This is her servant heart. She always helps those in need. She is beautiful in God's sight...

Against the Wall
I have been in the emergency room many times with my husband this year. I find myself against the wall again outside his room. My daughter worries that I am alone, but I tell her, "God is here." I am never alone...

God created life. Some think they have the right to take life. He knit us together in the womb. Knew us before we were born. Life. It begins at conception.

The Podium of Horror
I love to write, but hate to public speak. This is a common fear. God has called on me to speak and finally I have learned to trust Him, and know that He is the real speaker. I prefer to write, but I will stand at the podium, knowing He has my back.

Imagine Time This Way?
I desired to own a Rolex watch. Now time has passed and God has become my true desire. I imagine the time I will spend with Him in eternity, and peace comes, a timeless peace...

It Wonders Me
I have pondered the meaning of happiness. Observed the frantic quest. But God and only God is Love. So, forget about all the rest...

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