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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Counting Down
We waste so much time.

Judges--Part 3--Deborah the Prophetess
How God used a courageous woman to lead Israel out of bondage

What will Your Obituary Say?
When you go home to be with the Lord, what will your obituary say? Will it reveal a life devoted to Christ?

Broken Promises
We hear promises made and we see some broken, however there are those that will never be broken.

An Easter Theme
Though Jesus was cruelly beaten and hung on a shameful cross to die, death did not win; He rose again to give me eternal life.

Up from the Grave
I was thinking about Resurrection Sunday. I thank God for His gift of salvation.

Judges--Part 2--The Great Value of Leadership
Israel continually fell into sin and drifted away from their covenant with God. When they called out to Him, He sent judges to deliver them. Othniel and Ehud were two of the first judges chronicled in the book.

The Rich Man And Lazarus
A true story in the bible about a rich man and Lazarus, a poor man

Deleted Misery
If your life is filled with misery and you're ready to give up, then likely, you haven't met our Savior.

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