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Poems About Virtue & Christ-likeness

Feeling Loved
Whatever makes us feel loved should be a clue as to how we can share God's love with others.

Glimpses of God's glory have changed my life.

Come And Go
Once we come to God, He sends us out to share God with others.

Love Beyond Feelings
Christian Love is caring for another person regardless of how we are feeling emotionally at the time.

Why Love?
We extend God's love toward others by our actions.

In His Loving Image
How and why God made us in His image.

It’s When
Explores different attitudes we can have - both good and bad

Christ and Paul on the Golden Rule
the Shema, The Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, even the Golden Rule are all about following Christ in trust and obedience. Then there is Philippians 2 which boils them all down

Life Embracing
Embrace the life He calls us to live.

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