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Poems About Virtue & Christ-likeness

Everyone gets to Play
"Everyone gets to play" is a phrase coined by John Wimber - which meant that all participants were involved in "doin' the stuff" not just the pastors and preachers. We are all called to be priests.

A poem that contrasts the superficial beauty of life without Jesus with the true beauty of a life in Christ

Choose Kindness
May our choice always be kindness. Letting grace have its voice!

Were You There?
Maybe we see Jesus more often than we realize.

A LIFE THAT COUNTS (a mother’s last words to her children)
(Written in memory of my dear mum who went home to be with the Lord March 2005) A poem that captures the life values that she lived and taught

Like Thee
Galatians 2:20 "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."

Living What’s Best
Contrasts living without grace and living with grace.

Just Like... Him
we are like a lot of things.. Jesus came to be like us in every way except without sin. He became like us, so we could become like Him... Knowing the love and favor of the Father and living in His light forever!

Patience Deeper Meaning
A poem that explores the deeper meaning of what patience is. More than just putting up with our our present circumstances - but being aware; and also ready for what God has in store for us!

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