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Poems About Virtue & Christ-likeness

Life Embracing
Embrace the life He calls us to live.

Desires of My Heart
Explores the heart of a true peacemaker

Leading with Grace
Describes what should be in the heart of a church pastor/leader/elder

God's Candle
Our lives shine with God's richness when we choose His path

Everyone gets to Play
"Everyone gets to play" is a phrase coined by John Wimber - which meant that all participants were involved in "doin' the stuff" not just the pastors and preachers. We are all called to be priests.

A poem that contrasts the superficial beauty of life without Jesus with the true beauty of a life in Christ

Choose Kindness
May our choice always be kindness. Letting grace have its voice!

Were You There?
Maybe we see Jesus more often than we realize.

A LIFE THAT COUNTS (a mother’s last words to her children)
(Written in memory of my dear mum who went home to be with the Lord March 2005) A poem that captures the life values that she lived and taught

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