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Inspirational Poems

God Began a Work in Me
"He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6, NIV).

You Have Searched Me finalist in poetry contest
The good Lord knows our hearts, minds, spirits, and souls--He created us and knows everything about us--there is nothing that is hidden from Him.

DO YOU . . . finalist in poetry contest
When we have days feeling our joy has been stolen and depression sets in - when we hold onto things of the past and don't let go - there is One to turn to - Jesus. He will lead us to tranquil grounds if we trust in Him. . .

The Way, the Truth and the Life
Nature always has God's fingerprints in the midst of it, which makes me commune with HIm and remember that He is always there whether I am aware of His presence or not.

Feelings of Chagrin finalist in poetry contest
Many times we find ourselves weighted down with burdens, causing us to feel chagrin. However, when we seek the Lord, He offers His yoke in exchange for ours.

A Lonesome Tattered Man
This poem tells of a lonely, tattered man who was overlooked by many until a little girl and her mother befriended him and helped to fulfill God's Plan.

Bring back
Of many thoughts

God's unfailing promises
This poem explores the juxtaposition between the ephemeral nature of human promises in contrast to the enduring and unwavering promises of God. It conveys the idea that while worldly commitments may often disappoint and fall short, God's divine assurance

Steadfast Feet finalist in poetry contest
Asking God to bless us with steadfast feet; ones that will not stumble when confronted by obstacles and allowing them to be quick when dodging the enemy, and diligent when carrying us to share the Good News with others.

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