The Stranger
Many feel broken - hopeless - lost, but there is hope. Jesus draws close to the brokenhearted and saves those willing to trust Him with their crushed spirit. He sets free those who accept His gift of Salvation - He was once a stranger, and now a friend.
He Took My Cloak
The words of this poem came to me at an unexpected time. Homeschooling with my daughter was not going well and I was getting frustrated. All of a sudden the words "He took my cloak" came into my head. God provided and my hand wrote.
Another Soul was Won
The kindness of a stranger can lead others to Christ, Our Savior. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17, KJV)
What's it Like to Be Saved?
This a poem about someone who is on the fence of getting saved. I hope that it's relatable to help you on your walk to join the Christian family.
The Makings of a Song
This poem is, to some degree, about music. But the deeper rhythm of the poem is really about the movement of the Holy Spirit as he convicts and draws people to Christ. It draws a comparison to the movement of music within a song.
Once And For All
I wrote this poem in 1999, after reading Romans chapters 6-7. It speaks of how Christ died on the cross once, so that all people could be saved.
Heaven and Hell
This poem is designed to communicate a simple truth of Scripture: that we may either trust in the mercy and grace of Christ for eternal life, or not side with Christ and regret such for eternity—God is a God of mercy and love, but also of justice.