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Salvation Poems

No human being is here by accident. God does not give life to a child He doesn’t want.

WE WERE ONCE LIKE YOU first in poetry contest
Long ago a vicar shared a personal story during a funeral service. i never forgot the story and this poem captures the essence.

To Be True
Knowing that God's Will is sacred

Glimpse finalist in poetry contest
Sometimes it takes just a glimpse of ourselves to realize we haven't got what it takes to save ourselves. We need a Saviour and Jesus is ready to save the one who comes on His terms.

Thorny Weeds
Describes a past that is holding someone down like thorns and briers and then finding the one true vine that saves you.

The time of near death is not the right time to examine your life and where you will spend eternity.

Who is this man?
A poem about the return of Jesus

Release! finalist in poetry contest
I wrote this poem to help remind me of how thankful I should be for God's great gift that he has given me, and how I had no hope without him!

To Truly Live
Seeking help, answers, and forgiveness in a harsh world and then finding God.

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