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Funny Poems

Kitchen War finalist in poetry contest
People are a lot like this...

Crazy Praise
We all know that one woman in church who loves to praise a bit more charasmatic than the others. Let's remember we all praise in different ways to honor the Lord.

Mister Dirt
Have you met someone like Mr. Dirt before - and how did you treat them?

God Loves the Game of Baseball
Having fun with God and a sport I love.

Vinegar or Honey? (Which one are you?)
The bible says to tell the truth with love, that the tongue is like the rudder on a ship, and can steer us wrong. Ephesians 6:4 says, "Fathers don't exasperate your children"Though not explicitly christian, this poem comes out of these concepts.

Patriotic Flu
Someone made a comment on face book that patriotism is a disease and a sickness tearing down freedom. I laughed and asked if I had a patriotic fever. First thing this morning I wrote this poem.

Number Please
A frustrating tale of the telephone

It Sings, "I Can! "I Can!"
When we learn to stop griping and complaining about things and start counting our blessings, we can enjoy life better.

Children Who Go Errant!
When did I become the child and my children the parent???

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