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Poems by Carol Connell

poem count: 71 | pages: 8 | second place: 2 times | finalist: 3 times
Mini Monoverse Fall And Redemption Of Man
I was reading one day about some different poetry forms and came across the mini monoverse. It seemed simple but complex at the same time. I decided to try it using the fall and redemption of man as my theme.

I Shouldn't Have Looked, God Shouldn't Have Looked
I tried to see through the eyes of David in writing this poem. David sinned when he allowed his eyes and heart to take him in the wrong direction, but thanks to the grace and mercy of God, his failure did not define his future.

Dirty Hands Clean Money
The title of this poem comes from a bumper sticker I saw on a pick up truck while driving on the highway. As I thought about those 4 words, this poem was born.

A Different Lighthouse second in poetry contest
I am forever grateful for the day that Jesus called me out of darkness and into His marvelous light!

Not Up For Election
I wrote this shortly after our last presidential election. God will always be God, whether we believe in Him or not. It’s impossible to vote Him out!

Tempted By Their Helplessness
Human life is greatly devalued in our present society. This poem deals with one aspect of that.

You Are The Potter I Am The Clay
I was inspired to write this after hearing a sermon with the same title. This is a lesson we all need to learn and be reminded of from time to time.

A Tale Of Two Tomes
Two individuals are using their Bibles in totally different ways. Which one is pleasing to God?